Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wk02 Rock, Paper, Scissors Concept Phase

I tried to make each of these ten thumbnails unique. I think for the most part, I was successful. My favorite one is probably number three, because even as a concept, it looks like it could be an effective way to inform someone about the game. I also like how number one came out; it looks very clean and straightforward compared to most of the other, more experimental thumbnails. I will most likely not use number eight because it is all over the place and it is difficult to follow.
I chose these four pictures because each of them can help show how to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. By including these pictures along with my written instructions on how to play, it should be very easy for anyone to learn. I also think that by having two cartoon pictures and two pictures of real-life hands and objects, it will give the poster a balanced look.


  1. Personally i like thumbnail number 6, it looks different and will eliminate the extra space that will be around.

  2. Number 6 is the best in my opinion. The most unique one i've seen.

  3. For now, skip out on the cartoon hands. It saves a lot of time and space for you to jump right into the human hands.

  4. i really like how he makes very abstract thumbnails by messing around with a lot of different ideas, focusing on images.

  5. I like the large variety of thumbnails you have made. they are all very creative and distinctly original. I'm not sure about using all 4 of the pictures because the final picture summarizes the previous 3 by itself. I think that if you want to use more pictures, to try and use ones that are not redundant and that compliment eachother

  6. I know you're leaning towards tumbnail #1, but I think #6 has a lot of potential. One idea that I had while looking at it was taking the lines you drew to the images below and use them, and the bottom images, to illustrate the possible outcomes of playing each of the three elements. perhaps make 6 bottom images instead of 3 to show it or split the three you have to show it. Just some food for thought, but I think what you have right now is promising in terms of how your final product will turn out.

  7. Im really enjoying option 6 or 7. both have a good look to them and could end up working very well.
