Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wk04 Mood Board Concept Phase

I decided to make a mood board for Super Mario Galaxy because this particular picture has a resemblance to the concept art I made for my game. The colors here blend together very well, especially the mixture of black and blue in space. I think the designer made blue the dominant color in this picture in order to create a cool look that would appeal to everyone, even younger children. Using too much black would almost give the artwork a slightly ominous feel. The colorful Lumas surrounding Mario give the artwork even more color, reflecting the creative and happy nature of the game.

As you can see, my concept art looks a lot like the Super Mario Galaxy artwork above. However, the colors I used here are quite a bit darker, not just in the literal sense, but also in the sense that they convey a more serious tone. I'm not sure yet if I want to stick to this serious tone, or try to lighten the mood a bit by using brighter colors. One thing I am happy with in this artwork is the bright green enemies. They stand out against the dark background, making them easy to spot and destroy, but now that I think about it, that may make the game a bit too easy. Perhaps changing their color to one that blends in with the controller or the background would be more challenging.

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